Shop Organic – Lots of Business links and tips to Start Shopping

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Food, Pollution, Recycling | 0 comments


Shop More Organically Online is an online directory of businesses in South Africa which produce and/or sell

organic and natural products. A listing in the directory takes the form of a profile, giving visitors to

the site, more of an overview and personal connection with the businesses listed.

We ask businesses for their story, how they became part of the organic and natural industry and

what it is that motivates them. is run from our home in the Western Cape of South Africa, entirely on solar

power. We try our best to live as organic and natural a lifestyle as possible and hope that by running

a directory such as we help to grow the organic and natural industry in South

Africa, helping businesses to be more visible on the online platform and thus spreading the word!

We use many of the products on the site ourselves, as can be seen from the reviews and we ask that

each business listed has a policy of producing and/or selling products which do no harm. No harm to

us, to animals or to the planet.

We hope that you enjoy browsing the site and discovering all the amazing businesses and people

which make up the organic and natural sector in South Africa. Direct contact details for each

business are given on their profiles, we have loved getting to know the people behind the innovative

businesses and wonderful products, and we hope you do too!

Start Shopping: Shop Organic

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