ASADURU Rammed Earth Buildings

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Green Building | 0 comments


Why do they work with Rammed Earth?

AsaDuru works together with you to create your modern and sustainable buildings, using Rammed Earth.

According to UNEP, buildings stand for 40% of global energy consumption and contribute up to 30% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Their report also confirmed that the building sector has the most potential for delivering significant and cost-effective GHG emission reduction. Cement is 14% of global human CO2 production. According to the IPCC, for every tonne cement produced, one and a quarter tonnes of CO2 are released.

Considering that a majority of buildings’ GHG emissions are primarily from the use of fossil fuel during their operational phase, it is clear that there is a need to address not only the impacts of actually constructing building, but also using them. We need solutions that don’t tackle one problem at a time, but a holistic approach to our global challenges.

Read more on their site and other Eco-Friendly solutions they provide: ASADURU


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