In South Africa, tyres have a future

by | May 20, 2016 | Recycling | 0 comments


REDISA collects and recovers used tyres and creates thousands of jobs in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Since it was set up in 2012, REDISA has collected more than 150,000 tons of waste tyres and helped to create 3,000 jobs in South Africa.

The South African tyres industry produces around 10 million – 200 000 metric tonnes – of used tyres each year. Less than 5% are recycled. An estimated 60 million old tyres are today accumulating in the country’s landfills. They are often stored illegally or simply dumped somewhere. This unwanted waste represents a fire hazard and a considerable source of pollution because when it burns it emits toxic fumes. These tyress are also a major threat to health since they help several species of mosquitoes to proliferate. In 2012, South Africa decided to deal with the issue by introducing a tough measure: it now requires manufacturers to adopt a used tyres management plan. The objective is both to minimize the negative impact of tyress on the environment and people, and structure an economically viable recycling market – which is where REDISA comes in.

Read more: LivingCircular
Street Art in Stellenbosch made from recycled tyres: TheIncidentalTourist


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