Portugal Just Powered Itself Exclusively on Renewable Energy for Four Whole Days

by | May 20, 2016 | Energy | 0 comments


Last week, the nation of Portugal achieved something remarkable. For 107 hours—about four days—the country ran on nothing but wind, solar and hydro power.

Running a country of about 10 million people without any fossil fuels is certainly an impressive feat. The weather helped: sunny, breezy days optimized energy-collection and mild temperatures didn’t strain the grid with excessive heating or cooling needs. Of course, this figure only nods to utilities—it doesn’t include the gas-powered vehicles on streets. But it does mean that any electric vehicles that were charged during that period were truly zero-emission vehicles.

Perhaps more inspiring than the achievement itself is how much Portugal’s energy portfolio has changed from just a few years ago, thanks to major investments, according to The Guardian:

As recently as 2013, Portugal generated half its electricity from combustible fuels, with 27% coming from nuclear, 13% from hydro, 7.5% from wind and 3% from solar, according to Eurostat figures.
Full story: GizModo


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