by Jackie | Aug 23, 2016 | Green Building, Pollution, Recycling |
In Germany, the world’s biggest passive housing complex is currently under construction. The solar-powered Heidelberg Village designed by Frey Architekten will comprise 162 units and a host of sustainable features, including rooftop and vertical gardens. Frey...
by Jackie | Aug 23, 2016 | Climate Change, Green Building, Recycling |
Taking your dream vacation off the beaten path doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. Just ask the makers of the Autonomous Tent, an off-grid camping structure created to pop up almost anywhere in the world and offer five-star luxurious living to boot. Designed by...
by Jackie | Jul 18, 2016 | Climate Change, Green Building |
California is one of the best states in the country if you want to go solar – but only if you’re rich enough. Due to the steep upfront costs of around $32,000 in cash, only those upper-income families can afford to install solar arrays. A novel initiative is, however,...
by Jackie | Jul 15, 2016 | Climate Change, Pollution, Recycling |
We’re all a little too aware of the glaring gap that can exist between our words and our actions. Whether it’s preaching about healthy eating followed by a midnight cheesecake binge, or judging another mom’s parenting while also knowing you’re not perfect, either,...
by Jackie | Jul 15, 2016 | Climate Change, Pollution, Recycling |
As our climate warms, the need for cooling equipment – such as air conditioners and refrigerators, is growing. Increases in income and a growing middle class in emerging economies further add to the demand for cooling equipment In particular, the air conditioning...