by Jackie | Feb 15, 2017 | Green Building, Pollution, Recycling |
Four years after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $710,000 for the development of a revolutionary waterless toilet, the technology has received a second financial boost. The Nano Membrane Toilet, as developers at Cranfield University call it, now has an...
by Jackie | Feb 15, 2017 | Pollution, Recycling |
Food Scraps Today, Fertilizer Tomorrow Zera™ Food Recycler is designed to fit seamlessly into your kitchen and make the most of your food — turning today’s food scraps into tomorrow’s ready-to-use, homemade fertilizer Visit the Zera Site to view more: Zera...
by Jackie | Feb 15, 2017 | Pollution, Recycling |
As an exfoliant. The rough texture of the coffee grounds can be used on your skin as a scrub. Clean your garbage disposal. Coffee grounds clean and deodorize your garbage disposal. Just put the damp grounds in, run the cold water, and turn the disposal on. Note: do...
by Jackie | Feb 8, 2017 | Climate Change, Pollution, Recycling |
Kids these days often get taught about waste at school. Teachers discuss lots of different environmental concerns like climate change, pollution and the importance of recycling or cutting down waste. It is one thing to talk about it however and another to participant...
by Jackie | Oct 13, 2016 | Energy, Green Building, Pollution, Recycling |
Improved materials would encourage recycling and prevent single-use containers from entering the oceans and breaking into small pieces Plastics should be better designed to encourage recycling and prevent wasteful single-use containers finding their way into our...