by Jackie | Oct 13, 2016 | Green Building, Pollution, Recycling |
Even if you consider yourself a pretty good recycler, there might still be some questions you’ve been meaning to ask. Do you know the difference between soft and rigid plastic and which of the two is recyclable? Or, what to do with rubbish made from ‘composite’...
by Jackie | Oct 13, 2016 | Climate Change, Energy, Green Building |
The Games for Change finalists make playing games on your phone all day a lot more worthwhile. For both kids and adults, games are sometimes a great way to learn about social issues and brainstorm creative solutions. The nonprofit Games for Change has worked on this...
by Jackie | Oct 13, 2016 | Energy, Green Building, Pollution, Recycling |
Improved materials would encourage recycling and prevent single-use containers from entering the oceans and breaking into small pieces Plastics should be better designed to encourage recycling and prevent wasteful single-use containers finding their way into our...
by Jackie | Sep 21, 2016 | Climate Change, Energy, Green Building, Recycling |
France is taking another big step towards being more environmentally conscious by implementing a controversial new law that will ban plastic cutlery, plates and cups. The measure was part of the Energy Transition For Green Growth bill that was passed in 2015 and went...
by Jackie | Aug 23, 2016 | Climate Change, Energy, Recycling |
For the past six months alone, wastewater treatment plant Lynetten in Copenhagen has produced record amounts of energy from wastewater. At the same time, the plant has reduced its energy consumption. During a period of two and a half years, the wastewater treatment...